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What is AIbot?

The AI tool is a low-code platform for building chatbots with GPT capabilities on multiple messaging channels such as WhatsApp, Twitter, SMS, and more. It offers visual and flexible options for managing databases, cloud functions, and scaling capabilities on Google Cloud. The platform also includes pre-built integrations for popular webhook connectors and an Airtable-like database UI. It is an open-source tool with extensible templates that allows users to build AI bots without coding knowledge and collaborate with teams. The tool offers a weekly newsletter for tutorials and news updates.

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Special Offer For Future Tools Users

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👍Matt's Pick - This tool was selected as one of Matt's Picks!

Note: Matt's picks are tools that Matt Wolfe has personally reviewed in depth and found it to be either best in class or groundbreaking. This does not mean that there aren't better tools available or that the alternatives are worse. It means that either Matt hasn't reviewed the other tools yet or that this was his favorite among similar tools.

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